In CLC Communications and Public Affairs we have been
developing different theoretical and logical frameworks to systematize our
experiences advising our clients on how to manage their corporate communication
towards their stakeholders.
On a day-to-day basis, we have to explain to our
clients how communication flows differently depending on the different
leaderships and their influence capacities. That's why it was very useful to
meet many years ago with an interesting proposal by Malcom Gladwell in his book
"The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference" (2000).
For those of my readers who want to find it in Spanish, the book was translated
as "El Punto Clave" or "La Clave del Éxito".
Gladwell (2000) develops three basic tipping point
rules to generate changes, to achieve impact and obtain results. The first rule
is the Law of the Few, which is
where we will focus on this first contribution (p. 30). Some people have a
superior ability to initiate change. The point here is a bit countercultural
because normally the message is emphasized and well, it turns out that it is
necessary to understand that the messenger is still relevant. That is why we
focus on protecting the reputation of
our clients and always keeping them close to their values, in a coherent
and credible way.
The second rule is the "stickiness". So now we return to the message that has to be
memorable. "Social epidemics" arise from messages that are composed of pieces of sticky and remarkable
information well said (Gladwell, 2000, p. 24-25). In our third installment we
will approach the exciting storytelling, to explain the way in which CLC has
recommended the construction of stories that are accompanied by actions in the
framework of our clients' values (storydoing).
Finally, the third rule is related to the context that will be our third
installment trying to apply Gladwell´s tipping point to strategic communication (2000, p. 139). Both the messenger and the
message must adapt to the circumstances and conditions of the moment. Our
formidable research team generates value-added tailormade reports that we share
week by week with our clients, which analyze the context in a scientific way
and are based on a series of verified methodological instruments, which
determine the lines of action in any circumstance.
Many times, the companies we advise must share their
messages effectively and efficiently, and have neither the time nor the expertise
to study the context and design the message. In these situations, having the
ability to generate small "social epidemics" is crucial. We have
managed to accompany our clients in this type of complex situations, because
the actors, the circumstances and the opportunities are dynamic. To maximize
resources, our team establishes, based on the company's objective, the
appropriate course of action in terms of the message and public relationship
with the different stakeholders.
Recently, we were in charge of relations with the
government and with the community in the development of a important shopping
center, which at that time would be the largest of all the countries in the
region, with an investment of US$150 million. In that project, we had to deal
with deputies, environmental NGOs and communal groups of all kinds that opposed
the construction of the work, mainly by myths and some misconceptions probably
spread by the competition.
In those cases, it was urgent to generate a
"social epidemic", so we decided to use our personal application to
communication and stakeholder management of the Gladwell thesis again. In those
cases, in the meetings with the community we understood how it was critical to
distinguish between the community leadership involved and in what way they
could spread our messages more effectively and quickly. This approach is
concretized through a set of social network analysis tools (stakeholders)
focused on characteristics such as density, reciprocity, transitivity, grouping
and group-external and group-internal ties (Hanneman and Riddle, 2005).
As I mentioned earlier, Gladwell (2000) divides
influential people into three categories: connectors,
those whose network of contacts is much higher than the average and includes
people who come from different "spaces"; mavens, they are the ones who collect information about certain
topics and share it with their contact groups; and salespeople, they are those with high power of persuasion and
negotiation, which are usually very vocal from their points of view.
We understood that we need all three groups. Each
influencer has its position, its mission and a specific and valuable social
network. Mavens generate credibility, not only in their family, but also with
the salesperson, who would be more insistent and verbal. Without the connectors
we would not get access to all levels of our audience, which is diverse and
dispersed in a multiplicity of social contexts. Because of this, our group
develops three levels of meetings: meetings with the community, meetings with
each of the levels and finally, meetings with the three levels of influencers.
Each group meeting allowed us to identify the agents
of change to whom we address with specific messages, which are carefully
constructed according to the social context, perceptions and individual
interests. This methodology allows a quality message to be obtained in the
short term based on the mapping of the social networks of the stakeholders, the
decision-making process and the existing regulations.
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